
If it’s still January, we can totally get away with a “Happy New Year” greeting, right?? Hope yours has been good to you so far.

Music SA has sure had a busy start to 2015… We’re all settled in to the growing ‘music hub’ at St Paul’s Creative Centre, our new GM Lisa Bishop is hard at work on our business development, we’re moments away from announcing the Bands on Track winning acts, and next week our new class of Music Business Certificate III students will arrive!

While this is our 1st newsletter for the year, rest assured that things are bubbling away behind the scenes and Mac screens here, too. In fact, our mailouts will be fortnightly (with a monthly editorial) for the time being as we focus on some exciting new projects. More on that in due course…

But first a thank you to those who’ve been saying how much they have missed us!

Sometimes that’s one of the best things about a holiday – when you take a break from routines, it can put into perspective the things that you really do want in your life…

Just before Christmas I suffered from a very poorly timed flu, and lost my voice. I’m not a big talker anyway, so that was more of an inconvenience than a huge concern. However, I missed singing. I missed it a lot!!

edit-throatWeapons of choice

I don’t just mean band practice or at a gig – thankfully our band was finished for the year. But those moments of casual singing in the car, in the shower, just walking around the house humming… all impossible.  And incredibly frustrating. I didn’t even realize how much random singing I did until it wasn’t an option.

For those of you who have traveled without your instruments, I bet you start to get itchy fingers after a day or so. I know my guitarist husband does!

You can certainly miss places or experiences too, of course. We’re back at Mixmasters studio at the moment, and our dear bassist – who does a lot of home recording for us – was pretty joyful at being set free from the engineer’s desk. Oh how he has missed the luxury of hanging out at Mick Wordley’s haven, being able to focus solely on his performance.

edit-bassA little slice of heaven

The studio, a guitar, a voice…after you’re without them for awhile, when you are reunited it’s like greeting an old friend.

So, dear reader friends, welcome back!! Let’s look forward to another fabulous year of making and celebrating music.

 – Dr. Elizabeth Reid
Music SA Digital Marketing Manager


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